When it comes to reducing wrinkles and lines, it’s hard to beat injectable treatments like Xeomin®. With no hassle or downtime, this neuromodulator is an excellent option for smoothing the skin and boosting your confidence. At the ARTIS Institute for Plastic Surgery in Aventura, Miami area patients can choose from many injectable options including Xeomin with guidance from expert plastic surgeon Dr. Andrés Sárraga. 


Xeomin is an injectable treatment similar to Botox®. It works by injecting botulinumtoxin type A into the facial muscles to relax them and prevent movements that can cause lines and folds to develop over time with regular expressions. This process is called neuromodulation and it’s a great alternative to surgical options like the facelift. The botulinumtoxin type A found in injectables like Xeomin is purified and completely safe, offering temporary paralyzing effects. Over time the body will naturally and safely break down the product, meaning Xeomin results are not permanent. 

In addition to smoothing existing lines and wrinkles, neuromodulators like Xeomin can also prevent new wrinkles from forming or growing deeper over time by preventing these repetitive expressions. At the same time, skilled injectors like Dr. Sárraga can ensure that the face still appears natural and you can express yourself, avoiding the “frozen” look. When looking at your options for injectable treatments, it’s important to always receive injections from a board certified plastic surgeon.



Dr. Sárraga was born and raised in Puerto Rico, where he spent most of his life. He decided at a very early age to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and pursue a career in the art of medicine and surgery. Dr. Sárraga has been featured in several publications including Aventura Magazine™ and Healthy Valley® Magazine where he has discussed procedures including Facial Rejuvenation and Breast Surgery. Dr. Sárraga has been awarded one of Castle Connolly’s top doctors in Miami for the last 5 years. He has also been featured with his friend and mentor Dr. Storch. Since Dr. Storch’s retirement, Dr. Sárraga now runs ARTIS Institute Plastic Surgery as a single practitioner.



Most patients who have dynamic wrinkles are good candidates for Xeomin. The treatment may also be beneficial for patients hoping to prevent future dynamic wrinkles from forming. Xeomin was designed to prevent or reduce frown lines, or the small vertical lines that form between the eyebrows. 

The primary difference between Xeomin and Botox is that Xeomin does not contain additives. This makes it less likely for patients to develop a resistance to Xeomin’s effects over time. For this reason, some patients or injectors prefer Xeomin for long-term use. If you are interested in receiving routine maintenance injections using neuromodulators, Xeomin may be a good option for you. 

Xeomin is beneficial only for dynamic wrinkles, not those caused by volume loss. Often, patients will see signs of aging due to both repeated facial movement and volume loss over time. This means that a combination of neuromodulators like Xeomin and other injectables, such as hyaluronic acid fillers, will yield overall youthful results throughout the face. Dr. Sárraga will evaluate your concerns to develop a complete treatment plan personalized to you and your cosmetic goals. 

As with other injectables, you should not receive Xeomin if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if you have certain allergies or health conditions including bleeding disorders. You should not take blood-thinning medications or supplements prior to or after your Xeomin injections, and it is recommended to avoid smoking. During a consultation, Dr. Sárraga will review your health history to determine whether Xeomin is a suitable option for you. 


Every patient has a different level of tolerance, so we can supply a topical numbing cream before the injection process. Once you’re ready, the product is placed in specific locations in the facial muscles using a very fine needle. This might require more than one injection per treatment area, but the whole process usually takes around fifteen minutes. Afterward, you can return home.


After Xeomin treatment, it’s common to have some redness and swelling, but this usually subsides quickly. Some patients may also experience bruising or tenderness, which should quickly resolve. You can return to your regular schedule immediately, although you should avoid any extensive activity since sweating can cause irritation. You should also avoid massaging the area since it can cause the product to spread to unwanted locations. 

It can take about four days to begin seeing results, which is slightly longer than Botox. However, Xeomin can last for longer at between three and six months, after which you can return for re-treatment. Dr. Sárraga can discuss long-term treatment plans, including maintenance or touch-up injections, during your consultation. The result is a smoother, more youthful look in areas like around the eyes and between the brows. Patients will also notice reduced development of frown lines over time thanks to relaxed facial expressions. 


Xeomin is an excellent option for improving signs of aging and creating a refreshed and rejuvenated look. To learn more, we invite you to contact our Aventura office to meet with Dr. Sarraga and our team. Call the ARTIS Institute for Plastic Surgery at (305) 932-3200 or contact us online to schedule your appointment.

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“I wouldn’t go to any other place!”

I am so Happy with my results after my procedure. I had no bruising or swelling. Dr.Sarraga and his staff are so welcoming and nice. The office is extremely clean, modern and comfortable. I wouldn’t go to any other place!

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