If you’re considering eyelid surgery, you likely have questions about it. The best way to learn about eyelid surgery is by consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Andres Sarraga, who specializes in cosmetic eyelid surgery. During a consultation, you can ask questions and get the most up-to-date information about this procedure. In the meantime, here’s a quick guide to some of the most common questions we hear about blepharoplasty.

Will I have visible scars after blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is unique because any scars can be easily hidden within the natural contours of the eyes. In the case of the upper blepharoplasty, incisions follow the natural crease of the eyelid, so they’re invisible when your eyes are open. Lower blepharoplasty includes incisions placed in the natural lash line of the lower lids or even inside them. In either case, scarring will easily fade into the natural pigmentation of the eyelids with time, so it’s virtually undetectable.

How long does it take to look normal after eyelid surgery?

You’ll begin to look more like yourself within 1-2 weeks of surgery, at which point you may feel comfortable going back into public. However, you may have some minor residual bruising that can be covered with makeup. As with any facial plastic surgery procedure, you may want to account for an additional few days to a week if you work a public-facing job.

Does eyelid surgery affect your vision?

Eyelid surgery itself doesn’t affect your vision, but side effects like blurriness and dryness can happen after surgery. These are usually the product of being unable to blink like normal, drying out the eye’s tear film. Our team will give you eye drops to use in order to soothe dry eyes. Some patients also experience photosensitivity and we recommend keeping a dark pair of sunglasses on hand.

When can I wear makeup after eyelid surgery?

It’s best to wait 2-3 weeks before applying eye makeup. This can help prevent infection and allow your eyelids to more effectively heal. Before applying eye makeup after your recovery, make sure to wash any brushes and tools and be gentle when applying concealer, primer, eyeshadow, and other products around your eyelids.

What is the best age to have blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty can be performed at any age, although it’s most common with older adults. This is because blepharoplasty can play a functional role in removing obstructions from the vision in the form of sagging upper eyelids. Additionally, older adults tend to experience sagging in their brows, which can necessitate a blepharoplasty (and possibly a brow lift). Younger adults can also benefit from blepharoplasty, especially if they have deeply hooded or sagging eyelids.

Is there an alternative to blepharoplasty?

A skilled plastic surgeon and expert in eyelid procedures can help you explore alternatives to blepharoplasty if you want to avoid surgery. Dr. Sarraga’s most recommended alternatives include RF microneedling, Botox, and fillers. Together, these can tighten skin, lift the brows, and fill in sagging under eyes for a younger look.

Eyelid Surgery in Aventura, FL

To learn more about blepharoplasty and your many options, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarraga by calling or filling out our online form.

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