Liposculpture is a variation of power-assisted liposuction in which the body is specifically sculpted to give the patient more muscle tone and contour. While this procedure isn’t intended to remove large amounts of body fat, it can help to shape and refine your contour for a more toned appearance. Read on to learn more about this procedure and how it can benefit you.

Who is a Candidate?

Individuals with good skin elasticity and strong muscles who are looking to sculpt their body can often benefit from liposculpture. This procedure is a great option for those with stubborn areas of fat that just won’t seem to go away with diet and exercise alone. To determine if this procedure is right for you, be sure to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarraga.

How is the Procedure Done?

During liposculpture, a fluid local anesthetic is injected into the fat, and small incisions are made in the treatment area. Then, thin metal cannulas are inserted through these incisions, which will suction out unwanted fat.

While some results can be seen immediately after the procedure, swelling and bruising will also be present. As swelling and bruising resolve over the next couple of weeks, results will become visible.


Liposculpture offers many benefits for those undergoing the procedure. First, liposculpture requires only small incisions, and, when healed, scarring is virtually undetectable. The tumescent technique that is used also minimizes bruising and blood loss, also reducing scarring. This procedure is an outpatient procedure, so you can return home afterward to heal. Many people prefer this over staying in the hospital. It is also a great way to kick-start weight loss that has not responded to diet and exercise alone.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about liposculpture in the Aventura, FL area, contact our office today. We would be happy to schedule your consultation with Dr. Sarraga.


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